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The relationship between Chiropractic, Brain Balance, and Neurological disorders.

How Chiropractic and Brain Balance are different from other therapies is they encompass multimodal stimulation. We're taking all the senses and stimulating them at the same time, with increased intensity, over a period of time to produce neuroplasticity (growth and development in the brain). For instance, you can medicate a child who is experiencing ADHD, which lots of teachers and pediatricians want you to do, but when you do that, you are just serving that symptom instead of going in and addressing root cause. Your brain and your body's physiology is going to change whenever you put a medication in the system. And the longer that you take that medication, there's going to be physiological adaptations to it.

 If you take digestive enzymes as a supplement, your body's going to make fewer digestive enzymes. The same is true if you take any medication that's going to change your neurotransmitter sensitivity, production, or output. That's why we have withdrawal symptoms. We've seen the effects of that with kids too.

If you peel it back layer by layer, ADHD is a difference in communication between the hemispheres of the brain, so that we can go in and address. Medication is very temporary. You’re still going to have those same struggles at 6:00 PM when that medication wears off. Here, we are creating and promoting change in the brain, so you don't see that struggle anymore. What we do helps your brain and body adapt more naturally and appropriately, so you have a better outcome. 

Every therapy that the kids that we serve often do first are one dimensional. If you go to speech, they're going to work on speech and articulation, right? If you go to PT, they're going to work on your core exercises. If you go to OT, they're going to help you learn fine motor skills. This is no different than the traditional medical system that we deal with where everything is siloed- and that's not real life.

An analogy that I will give to parents is it's like driving a car. You go to PT and you learn how to work the gas pedal, and you go to OT and you learn how to work the brake pedal, and you go to this guy over here and they teach you how to shift gears, but none of them are driving, right? You can't learn those things independently and then get behind the wheel of a car and drive. What we're learning to do is learning to drive the car.

We're creating stimulus to the brain through the nervous system and over time efficiency of receiving those stimuli. If you get adjusted then your brain is going to be more apt to handle greater amounts of stimuli, you're going to simply be able to transmit more data. You’re going from 10 megabits to 500 megabits- internet speed! If you want your body to be able to process all that great organic food that you put in it, then you have to get adjusted so your gut works optimally. If you want your brain to be able to grow and develop optimally, you have the conduit to receive the information, and then you have to have the actual information, right? And so that's how Brain Balance and Chiropractic marry inseparably.