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Chiropractic is Neurological

Chiropractic care is often associated with adjustments aimed at aligning the bones of the spine. While this alignment is what most people assume is important, the true essence of chiropractic treatment exists in its life-changing impact on the nervous system. Beyond mere bone adjustments, chiropractic care is deeply rooted in neurology, focusing on enhancing the body's natural healing abilities by optimizing neurological function.

The nervous system acts as the body's central communication hub which includes the brain, spinal cord, and an intricate network of nerves. Chiropractic treatment primarily focuses on optimizing this system to improve overall health. These adjustments alleviate nerve interference, facilitating improved neurological performance. A well functioning nervous system regulates everything, including movement, sensation, organ function, and immunity. Chiropractic care aims to enhance these functions by reducing interference and promoting neurological efficiency.

Scientific studies show the neurological advantages of chiropractic treatment. Evidence suggests that adjustments positively affect brain function, nerve conduction, and overall neurological health, leading to a higher quality of life.

So rather than prescribing medications to mask symptoms but often don’t fix the actual issue, Chiropractors take a more holistic approach. Allowing your body to do the healing by clearing any interference in your nervous system, often removing the need for many medications and surgeries as well.

While spinal structure can be a good indicator of where problems stem from, it doesn’t dictate how your healing will look. Chiropractors prioritize identifying and rectifying nerve interference throughout the body. This approach not only relieves pain but also fosters improved overall health and vitality.

We will let Dr. Brien explain a little bit more in a bite-sized info-filled video!